pick your favourite tea
From our limited harvest
All the teas from Tea Wonderland are grown in our selected tea gardens. You are able to choose among different harvest of the oolong and black tea. Some oolong teas are also offered in different roasted levels.
Due to the organic farming method we applied in tea farming, our tea quantity production is also much less than average mass production in the market. This also therefore reflects on our tea selections' price.

Tea Parties
By Annie
Feel free to attend our tea tasting events around Lund and Malmö. You will be offered 4-5 kinds of tea along with tasty food pairings. You will expect a lively cozy time no matter if you come by yourself, with families or friends.
If you would like to arrange tea party at home, we are more than happy to customise according to your needs. You can book the private tea party by sending your request to

Brand Story
Tea Wonderland's founder Annie, is growing up with agriculture and with love into tea since she was little. She started the organic farming with local farmers after her first graduate career in Brussels.
We are particularly dedicated in sustainable cultivation method as we not only wish to provide a healthy tea option in the market, but wish the method can help the environemnt to rest well and produce quality tea.
Inspire by different cultures Annie had been living in, our packaging designs are inspired by the multi-culture in Brussels along with Taiwan black bear as connection to her hometown. Impressed by the international atmosphere in this small Swedish town: Lund, we decide to locate our headquarter office here. From end of 2019, Tea Wonderland has officially started selling different types of oolong and black teas.

There are several tea gardens under our care in Taiwan. So far, we have 2 located at altitude 600, and another 3 which is located around altitude 1200-1500.
Every garden has their unique natural characteristic which makes its tea plants special. For every of our tea collection, we provide the tea garden information along with other diversed crops grown in the surroudning tea area.


Hi everyone! My name is Annie and I want to do a bit of introduction to you here about my journey with tea:)
I have always felt like tea brings us to get into an international world! During my teenager time living in the UK, I had been impressed by the different tea culture there and feel amazed how diversed tea culture can be!
After living in the UK, I decided to reside in the centre of Europe: Brussels. During those years, I got the privilege to work with many wonderful sommeliers and chefs. We had tasted so many wonderful teas, wines, and tasty food from all around the world!
During this journey tasting various drinks and food, I realised how much I miss agriculture products, especially teas from Taiwan! And yess, this is when Tea Wonderland was being built and my organic farming journey started!
Now, with years working in organic farming, I am so glad to finally be able to share the beautiful teas with you! We wish to bring you healthiness while enjoying our tea harvest!

enjoy a cup of tea with tea wonderland
TEL: +46 725792542
MAIL: info@tea-wonderland.com
ADDRESS: Mindpark Lund: Bytaregatan 4d, 222 22 Lund
Current Office location in the world:
©2021 by Tea Wonderland